*Faceless Times..., 30 x 40 cm
*It's a pleasure, 24 x 30 cm
- Kategorie: Malerei
- Thema: Abstraktes
*(R) The bigger picture, 24 x 30 cm
- Kategorie: Malerei
- Thema: Abstraktes
*(R) When was the last time you did something for the first time?, 30 x 40 cm
- Kategorie: Malerei
- Thema: Abstraktes
*A leopard licks its spots, black and white, approx. A4
*Symbolic of a species struggle, approx. A4
*Everyone has a fighter in them, approx. A4
*Pursuing Pacification, 25 x 58 cm
- Kategorie: Malerei
- Thema: Abstraktes
*After dark all cats are leopards, A5
*When night falls the face of the wolf lights up, approx. A4